Please Lord teach us to laugh again, but God don't ever let us forget that we cried.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Story

On Tuesday I told my story at an Al-anon meeting in my area. That is where I have been for the last month or so. Every bit of myself was poured into that speech and in the end, after speaking for 45 minutes I felt better about my life than I had in a long time.

There is LOTS of stuff going on with DH right now that I will have to fill you in on but suffice it to say that even as a sober person he is still and A$$. (Had you any doubts?)

I'm going to try to put the story up here in pieces. Like I said, it was 45 minutes which equals about 10 pages of single spaced type so it's a bit lengthy. There are parts of the story that I had to cut out because my sponsor thought they would be too graphic for the audience or might cause some of them to have flashbacks. She also thought some of it could be cut in the interest of time.

Since all I have is time around here, I will be putting the whole thing up here. With all the details. I really hope that it doesn't cause anyone to have flash backs. In fact I'm really hoping that someone who needs it might read it and realize that they are not alone. That someone else has been in their position and that person survived and so could they.

1 comment:

Jennifer B. said...

I'm not totally sure I understand the concern about flashbacks. I have "flashbacks" but they are related to small, seemingly insignificant things - I find that when people share similar experiences it doesn't bring back unpleasant flashbacks - it is cathartic. And there is no way to avoid flashbacks in life because it can be something as a tone in how someone says something, a smell, a sound, etc. I have taught myself to think - "Oh. That reminds me of XX and I usually feel [anxious, angry, worried - insert appropriate feeling] when I am remind of that. And then I can accept and move on. I look forward to reading more.