Please Lord teach us to laugh again, but God don't ever let us forget that we cried.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 23

Well, day 23 just went from bad to worse... in a quick like manner. I was supposed to sign the petition for dissolution on Monday but I put it off because I was supposed to have a counselor appointment yesterday afternoon and I couldn't see going to WDM two days in a row.

So yesterday morning I was debating on going and signing the paperwork or waiting a little while longer when I got on-line to look at DH's phone record. He didn't come over on Monday night because he was too tired and wanted to rest so I was just curious whether he stayed home or was on the phone all night.

When I looked I saw that he had three pretty lengthy phone calls to a 1-800 number and I was trying to figure out what the heck it was so I googled the number. Bank of America. WTF?? So I got on to his bank account and realized that he had taken out a personal loan in the amount of $2,500. How the HELL does he expect to pay that back when he can't even pay the bills he has now? I tell you it is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

So I called him and then I called the lawyer and told her what happened and decided that instead of waiting the 90 days to get divorced we should probably just do it now. After all, he has seen his son for 4 hours in the past 9 days AND now he's digging the debt hole. Before you know it he will just be shoveling the dirt into his hole too!!

Of course, I no sooner got done doing that then I get a text message from his mother that his step-grandpa is in the hospital having emergency surgery and he might not make it. Fan-flipping-tastic. Don't I look like the b*&%$ now?? But I continued. I went and signed the petition for dissolution yesterday afternoon because I didn't have many other options. And his Grandpa, he made it through surgery fine and is expected to make a full recovery.

So, after that, DHwas off work so he said he would stop by at 6:00 to see Munchkin. At 6:15 I called him and he told me he had been called into work and "lost track" of time. My reaction, if it was a fishing trip you would have been damn sure you were on time. In fact you would have been 5 minutes EARLY!!

This morning I got on-line to look at the phone records again. Our month is up on the 28th and he has already racked up 829 of the 1400 minutes we share. He was on the phone pretty much all day yesterday. At one point he called one of the numbers 4 times in one minute until the guy answered.

I'm sad and I'm scared for him. He is going to end up in jail or dead if he continues down this path. And I feel so powerless. There is nothing I can do but watch the train wreck and hope that the aftermath will not be too terrible.....