Please Lord teach us to laugh again, but God don't ever let us forget that we cried.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Comment Moderation

I just read your post and what I hear you saying is - Don't comment unless you are 100% supportive meaning you agree or don't comment at all? Is that what you meant to say or did I read it wrong?

Absolutely not!! Which means that once again I'm not making my point very effectively. So, Comment away. I feel a great responsibility for the people who tell their stories here. Real, or imagined, I just feel like if they come here to tell their story I don't want them to get bashed by someone who doesn't understand what it means to have loved an alcoholic / addict.

Someone who hasn't been to a family gathering and felt like crawling under a table when their addict / alcoholic did something stupid. Someone who hasn't had to bail their addict / alcoholic out of jail. Someone who hasn't heard the I'm sorry's and the things will be different. Someone who hasn't wanted with every fiber of their being to believe that this time it will be different. This time they will really change.

So to protect myself and others on this blog I'm turning on comment moderation. I want people to be able to comment but that way it will catch any hurtful or snide comments before they have a chance to hurt any one's feelings.

I would feel absolutely AWFUL if someone trusted me and this site to tell their story and then someone insensitive bashed them in the comments and they never came back. Or never felt like they could share any more of their story. I want people to feel safe here. I want people to be able to say whatever they want about their story and not feel attacked in any way.

Now, back to the real meaning of this blog because I have LOTS more to say.....

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