Please Lord teach us to laugh again, but God don't ever let us forget that we cried.

Sunday, June 30, 1985

You show me yours

We are under a picnic table in the back yard. All the other kids are playing on the swing set. It is just T and I. We told all the others to go away. Leave us alone. We have to be quick. He wants to see, I want to see.

1,2,3... show...

Wow... is that what it looks like? That's like daddy's only smaller. He has done his duty, I do mine. Does he realize I have nothing for him to see? In five minutes it is over. We are innocent, just want to look. Want to see what all of the fuss is about. Then back to the swing set we go as if nothing ever happened.

Friday, June 14, 1985

Playing Doctor

There's a big chair in the baby sitter's basement. A large 70's type recliner. We have something similar at home. We go behind it, so the other kids don't see. T, J & I. Two boys, one girl all behind that chair for the same reason. T doesn't have any sisters, I don't have any brothers. J has a sister but she's mentally challenged. Perhaps she looks different.

We want to see, but we are caught. Just as we are getting to the "good" part someone comes down stairs. Asks what we are doing. Nothing, just playing. We come out and move on with our day.

Saturday, June 1, 1985

A thief

I can still, even to this day see the image. We are walking along in the grocery store. On the ground I see a grape. I don't want anyone to step on it so I pick it up. I look around but there are no garbage cans. I can't put it back up with the grapes, someone might eat it, it has been on the floor.

I don't offer it to my mother, perhaps she is busy, perhaps it doesn't cross my mind. I put it in my pocket. When we get home I will throw it away. It is garbage. But we get home, and I don't remember. It stays in my pocket and then my mom does laundry and she finds the grape.

I remember she's screaming. I'm a thief, why would I steal? Hasn't she taught me better than that? What was I thinking? I'm crying, I can't help it. I try to tell her, try to get it through to her. It was on the floor. I didn't want someone to step on it. I didn't' steal it.

Finally, I think she gets it. I'm unsure that she believes me but she knows my side of the story and I am free to go. No apology, nothing. Just free to go. My mom thinks I'm a thief, why would she think I would steal? I'm a good girl....